It would appear that I have fallen rather behind with my blog post entries, this I can blame on numerous things, sunshine (well I would rather be outside, who wouldn’t), bad health and when in good health my love of being in my workshop rather than the kitchen, but I just had to get back to it and whilst sitting in a hotel waiting for an afternoon of Spa treatments the guilt has got the better of me and I decided I had better get on with it, also I have a very attentive front of house man called Fraser bringing me drinks on request, so feeling rather spoilt and indulgent.

So back to the land of the living and time to explain about the next three recipes that will appear on my blog, the first being Raw Courgette Spaghetti with Lemon, Feta, Pea, Mint and Pea Shoots, as with all the recipes I am about to post, I found them in the May/June issue of Ocado Life magazine that always comes with the shopping, it is always full of inspirational and in season food and this month I found a hat trick of delights.

Hubby and I rather sadly sit in bed on a Saturday morning, espresso in hand and plan the week a heads food, get it ordered and then we can relax for the weekend, I can not remember the last time we actually went shopping, this was is far better, more relaxed and far more convenient. Every week we scour magazines, cookery books and the internet for inspiration and I always have a Pinterest board full of ideas, this saves us getting into the rut of eating the same food every week, week in, week out, but also means that we do not buy on a whim and there is never any food waste. We plan the meals around our week, easier meals on hectic days and ones that take ages to prep and cook on days that I am at home. It works !

This Raw Courgette Spaghetti with Lemon, Feta, Pea, Mint and Pea Shoots was delicious and so easy to prep, I just made it in the afternoon and left it covered in the fridge, so perfect to take to a BBQ at friends, it is a very impressive dish. I did however wonder about that much raw courgette, but it was delicious, served in this way, you would just think that it was cucumber but just with out that wet sloppy effect that you get with cucumber. I was worried that serving this alone, with no meat or crusty bread that it would leave us feeling rather empty, but even thought it is light and fresh, it really does fill you up.

The only thing that I would change is coriander for the parsley, I just don’t like the parsley and any excuse to use coriander is a good one to me, its fresh taste to me just compliments summer and also maybe a couple of yellow courgettes would be nice to add a little colour. Green is my favourite colour, so this way works just fine for me. This dish would be great with grilled chicken or a simple baked fish, served with a cold, crisp glass of Prosecco or white wine would be heaven, sat in the garden on a hot summers evening, a great way to end a day.

So I know the weather appears to of taken a turn for the worse again, I am already missing that glorious sunshine but when it returns why not give this very healthy, light, refreshing and extremely yummy salad ago. Thank you Ocado for the inspiration 🙂

Buon appetito

raw courgette spaghetti

Serves 4

For the dressing

100ml extra virgin olive oil
1 echalion shallot, peeled and finely chopped
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon runny honey
1 1/2 lemons, juiced and zested
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

For the salad

155g pack fresh peas
4 medium courgettes
200g pacl of baby courgettes
75g bag of pea shoots
large handful of flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped
large handful of mint, roughly chopped
200g feta cheese

Make the dressing by simply mixing all the dressing ingredients together in a bowl or small jug to emulsify.

Cook the peas in boiling water for 1 minute. Drain, refresh under cold water and set aside.

Using a peeler, cut long thin strips from the courgettes and out int a large serving bowl or pretty dish.

Add the peas, pea shoots, herbs and feta to the bowl, and season with the slat and pepper to taste.

Spoon over some of the dressing to lightly everything and toss gently.

Serve onto plates or bring to the table in your chosen dish/platter. Put the remaining dressing into a little jug on the table for people to help themselves.

raw courgette spaghetti