For those of you that thought my Delia mincemeat recipe was rather long winded, fiddly and basically you just do not have the time to faff around making homemade mincemeat, when you can just pop to the shops and buy a jar…. here is the simplest recipe ever, very quick, very simple and you still get to enjoy the satisfaction of making your own mincemeat and have those fantastic Christmas aroma’s in the house, its a traditional boozy mincemeat that’s ready in 20 minutes, you can make a big batch, bottle up and give as gifts.

This is the recipe that I usually use and I will probably make a couple of batches again this year, just so I can compare the two recipes and see if Delia’s recipe tastes any better. Plus I really love the dried pineapple and stem ginger in this recipe, it makes it a little different and gives it such a gorgeous flavour.

Buon appetito






50g blanched almonds
100g candied peel
1 Bramley apple , peeled, cored and chopped into large chunks
50g stem ginger , plus 2 tbsp syrup from the jar
50g glacé cherries
50g ready-to-eat dried pineapple
225g each of sultanas/ raisins /currants
140g shredded suet
225g light muscovado sugar
¼ tsp each powdered ginger /mixed spice/nutmeg
grated zest and juice of 1 orange
150ml brandy or dark rum

In your food processor, pulse the almonds, peel, apple, ginger, cherries and pineapple together until finely chopped (but not mushy), then tip into a large bowl.

In batches, pulse the sultanas, raisins and currants until just chopped a little bit then add to the bowl.

Sprinkle the suet and sugar, salt and spices over all the chopped fruit and mix well. To mix, squelch through fingers.

Pour over the ginger syrup, orange juice and zest and alcohol, then mix again.

Spoon the mixture into sterilised jars and keep until needed.