NEWS FLASH – I must, as promised update you on the long lost recipe of five years, yes it was worth looking for, yes it was easier to cook with five more years of experience under my belt and yes it was yummy.

I must add at this point, and as also pointed out by my friend Michelle that its hardly a seasonal dish and I must admit to feeling like poor Julia Child in her small garret style Parisian kitchen or Julie Powell in her unglamorous apartment above a pizza cafe in dreary Queens (you would have to of seen the film or read the book to get where I am going with this) as I slaved over a hot stove, pots and pans every where in this blistering heat, but was it worth it, yes it was.
I shouldn’t moan, my gorgeous kitchen is like neither of the above, but after a hard day at home, cleaning, rushing around, two hours of writing html for a drop down on my blog, cooking this sort of dish should of been the furthest thing from my thoughts, but sat at the table it was confirmed as a good idea by the many compliments by the family tonight.
I will be definitely cooking this again, but in the autumn.
PS : I would just like to say a big THANK YOU to a fellow Blogger (Cherrapeno) who very kindly helped me out today with the html for my contents drop-down. It is now much easier to find the recipe you are looking for and I hope it helps.