Oh my god, what has happened to me, what have I become ????

I have decided that there must be some sort of help out there for people with this problem, but I am taking the first step, as admitting a problem is the first step to recovery, but I have an obsession with my blog and I am suffering with blog envy. Thank goodness, its out there, I’ve admitted it.
I started this blog for my Children so that family recipes could be passed down as one by one they left home, it has also become a great place to store all the recipes that I use and don’t want to lose, but also its a treasure chest of our life and photo’s and memories.
BUT… I now find myself spending every waking moment thinking about my blog, what I can blog next, when I cook I automatically have the camera waiting to take photos. I am even getting my food to pose, you may laugh, but I am putting it outside to get the best light, dressing it up with mint leaves, next I will be telling it to smile or even say cheese!!!
Next is the blog ENVY, I can’t help it but everyone seems to have a better blog than mine, better photography, better lay out, oh what is a blogger to do.
Is it all worth it I ask myself and its a definite BIG yes, I love doing it, I love to cook, I love to feed people and I want to share this love of cooking and family values with my Children, but what is also fantastic has been the feed-back from my Friends and finding out that I have people looking at my blog in other countries that I have never met. People are enjoying the blog and cooking the recipes on it, that makes me a very happy girl and thank you all so much.
Buon appetito XXXXX
PS Also big thank you to my Hubby who came up with the idea and my Children for letting me plaster the blog with their photos and for most of all waiting for there dinner to arrive slightly cold as I have had to take a photo or two of it.