I have a couple of posts to write today and I just had to start with this one, in the photo above is myself with my gorgeous brood, I know if you go back over my blog you will find a post written especially for each one of my gorgeous babies but I thought I would add an up to date photo of them all, as this recipe is from Mothers Day and this photo was taken at the fabulous afternoon tea that they did for me, so firstly I would just like to say a MASSIVE thank you to them for making it one of the best Mothers Day’s ever, for all the presents and to my Hubby who also did a lot of the work for the very special day… THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH.

So on to the recipe, if you follow my blog you will know that any special occasion in this house starts with breakfast in bed with bubbly, freshly squeezed orange juice, a good Italian espresso and for me a very naughty, very indulgent breakfast that my sweet tooth just loves, BUT… now I know you will all be surprised to hear this, I have gone all ‘CLEAN EATING’!!!

What is ‘CLEAN EATING’ ??? Briefly it is common sense, eating foods as naturally to their origins as you can, no preservatives, chemicals, etc and eating lots of smaller meals, about 5 to 6 a day, so that your blood sugar stays even, you don’t get those nasty dips in energy and you don’t ever feel hungry or crave rubbish food. For me it is not about losing weight, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle, my skin, my hair and most definitely my energy levels have been so improved, I just feel cleaner, leaner and fresher. As long as you maintain this 80 to 85% of the time you will feel the benefits and it means that on special occasion and when going out for meals you don’t have to miss out. Its just good old common sense really, but I will try to explain more, without banging on or preaching, as I bring you recipes on the blog.

My first recipe swap of course was my favourite breakfast, I found the recipe for Citrus French Toast in The Clean Eating Cookbook & Diet by Rockridge Press and I am cooking every night this week from it, so hopefully I can bring you lots of lovely new recipes over the coming weeks, all in time for the lovely weather when we could all do with a bit of a detox after the winter months and feel a little leaner.

I didn’t feel that this Citrus French Toast  was a substitute at all, it was zesty, yummy and I love that the recipe allows you to pop some in the freezer for another day. I had two slices fresh on Mothers Day with fresh raspberries on and then the next morning I had two slices from the freezer, straight into the toaster for a few minutes with honey on, it was divine.

So I hope you enjoy my clean eating recipes to come, I am not going to bombard you with lots of healthy stuff but hopefully recipes that are just yummy, you enjoy, but are doing you good all at the same time.

Buon appetito

Citrus French Toast


Serves 4 – high protein, super food

Extra-virgin olive oil for the baking sheet
4 egg whites
1/2 cup almond milk (I use Alpro unsweetened)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Fresh juice and zest of 1 orange
1 teaspoon of lemon zest
Pinch of ground cinnamon
8 slices of multigrain bread
Fresh berries, honey, organic low sugar jam, what ever you fancy as a topping

Preheat the oven to 450F, 230C.

Cover a baking sheet with foil and brush lightly with the olive oil. Set to one side.

In a medium bowl, whisk the egg whites, almond milk, vanilla, orange juice and zest, lemon zest and cinnamon until well blended.

Lightly dredge each slice in the egg mixture on both sides and shake off any excess liquid.

Place the slices side by side on to the baking sheet.

Bake for 5 minutes or until nicely toasted and golden, then turn the toast over and bake for a further 5 minutes.

Serve warm, either plain or with your chosen topping.

Great to freeze and just pop into the toaster when you fancy a slice.

Citrus French Toast