
Very Healthy Snack Bars

So its January, time for fad diets, memberships to gyms that will be forgotten about by March and just heaps of new years resolutions that are impossible to keep. Now you all know that I have the sweetest tooth in the world, I just love cake, but if you are…

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spice-scented beans

Spice-scented Beans

I know, its been a very long time since my last post and I am very sorry, but as I think I have already mentioned I have been rather busy setting up and running my new business  , please check out the website, I am so proud of it and…

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date slices

Date Slices

I am in snack heaven since finding Dale Kinnock’s book ‘The Medicinal Chef‘ and I am enjoying cooking and baking my way through his fantastic recipes. So far I have baked only snacks, my sweet tooth getting the better of me as usual, but at least these snacks are good…

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Citrus French Toast

Citrus French Toast

I have a couple of posts to write today and I just had to start with this one, in the photo above is myself with my gorgeous brood, I know if you go back over my blog you will find a post written especially for each one of my gorgeous…

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Bayonne Ham Omelette

To say that Hubby and I are competitive, especially in the kitchen, would be a slight understatement. We do admit that we both bring different things to the table, or kitchen, so to speak, but touch on the others territory and there will be trouble and tears before bedtime! Hubby…

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Scrambled Eggs & Goats Cheese – Breakfast Heaven

I so wish that I had found this recipe earlier, its to die for and just perfect for this weekend, as it is Father’s Day and I decided that I would spoil Hubby rotten by making him breakfast in bed on both mornings over the weekend. My Hubby works extremely…

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