Salads & Sides

Moroccan Prawns, Cous Cous and Salsa

Moroccan Prawns, Cous Cous and Salsa

So today I started my new job at the local Medical Practice, all very exciting, but so much to learn and it is beyond busy, but I have promised to keep up with the blog and with my other business, Diana’s House, so after returning home, doing the washing, catching…

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Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Bake

Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Bake

Now this recipe came with the original title of ‘Beet and Carrot Detox Bake’, not wanting you all to groan and think, here she goes on again, banging on about nutrition I decided to tone the bold claim down a little and called it Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Bake instead, but…

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Baked Sweet Potatoes with Hummus and Kale

If you are a regular to the blog you will already be aware that even though I am completely obsessed with cake I do try to balance my love with a healthy balanced diet, where possible I try to eat cleanly and Hubby and I are currently trying to lose…

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Elderflower dressed Broad Beans and Leaves with Burrata

So today I have one of my favourite Ladies in the world coming over for lunch, I have known her for about 20 years or more and I adore spending time with her, she just gets me and sometimes thats all that you need. We share a love of so…

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Smoky Halloumi and Quinoa Salad

I am a huge fan of halloumi, for those of you that may not of come across halloumi before it is a wonderfully chewy cheese made from a mixture of goat’s and sheep’s milk with a high-melting point which makes it ideal for grilling or frying. You can marinate it…

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Gado Gado

This Gado Gado salad was a new one on me and to be honest when Hubby first suggested it for dinner a couple of days after Christmas instead of the left over gammon with egg and chips I was less than inspired, it was cold outside and I really fancied…

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raw courgette spaghetti

Raw Courgette Spaghetti with Lemon, Feta, Pea, Mint and Pea Shoots

It would appear that I have fallen rather behind with my blog post entries, this I can blame on numerous things, sunshine (well I would rather be outside, who wouldn’t), bad health and when in good health my love of being in my workshop rather than the kitchen, but I…

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