The Chocolate Section

Cornflake Brownies

Finally yesterday the sun came out and it was T-Shirt weather, it is also Bluebell time in the woodlands so naturally I had to get outside and enjoy the beautiful countryside that I am so blessed to be in a short walking distance of, but before we left I of…

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Vegan Kladdkaka

I may of mentioned in previous posts that I am obsessed with anything hygge , fika and basically anything Nordic, especially Nordic baking, I have quite a few recipes already on the blog, but I really do not think it can hurt to have a few more !!! I do…

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I know I have multiple brownie recipes on this blog and so many recipes claim to be ‘the perfect brownie’ and if I am honest I truly believe that the perfect brownie is the Nigella one that is already on my blog, it is so indulgent, so rich, so…

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vegan chocolate cake

Vegan Chocolate Cake

I bet you can’t believe it, two blog posts in two days !!! I made a lot of promises to myself for 2020 and one of them was to blog more, I have been discovering some great recipes, cooking and baking them and then losing them or forgetting where I…

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healthy brownies

Healthy Brownies

I know only to well just how hard it is to follow a healthy diet, we all have our weaknesses, it maybe cake, wine, sweets or chocolate, whatever our vice is it can add calories, chemicals and preservatives to our diets. With our bodies all ready loaded with pollutants from…

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Quinoa and Cashew Bark

Quinoa and Cashew Bark

Well the excitement following my recent visit to the hospital has waned considerable, its not as plain sailing as I had hoped and the reality is that I still have the air cast boot, my crutches and now because I am trying to walk again, a hugely swollen, painful and…

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Chocolate Gâteau with Raspberry, Rose and Vanilla Cream

Chocolate Gâteau with Raspberry, Rose and Vanilla Cream

I have to confess to leaving it far to long since my last post, my laptop charger died on me and I did try to use Hubby’s laptop, but only to discover that I am an Apple Girl through and through and can not cope with anything else ! Also…

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