
Swedish apple pie

Swedish Apple Pie

Following on from my previous post for the Kladdkaka (Swedish Sticky Cake) and after promising to make Luca an apple pie this weekend, I decided that it would be a good opportunity to bake another dish off of my ‘to bake/cook list’ on Pinterest and this Swedish Apple Pie just…

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Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Bake

Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Bake

Now this recipe came with the original title of ‘Beet and Carrot Detox Bake’, not wanting you all to groan and think, here she goes on again, banging on about nutrition I decided to tone the bold claim down a little and called it Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Bake instead, but…

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Heaven in a Bowl

I wasn’t sure what to call this and I know that the photos really do not do this dish justice, but this truly is heaven in a bread bowl ! Thats it, thats what I will call it, ‘Heaven in a Bowl’, perfect. I know Hubby will moan that for…

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Beetroot And Feta Tart

Beetroot and Feta Tart

So Wednesday was the Autumn Equinox, its officially Autumn and the weatherman said this morning that it may go down to 1 degrees over the weekend, with the chance of a frost in some rural areas, but the sun is out and it looks like the perfect autumnal day out…

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hedgerow syrup

Hedgerow Keep Well Syrup

We have been very lucky to be having a really gorgeous September so far, the last couple of days have been real stunners and it has given me a great opportunity to get out into the countryside and forage, something that anyone that knows me knows that I just love…

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