
Hallongrottor – Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies

It’s Saturday again and the house is smelling amazing with the aroma of baking. Today I decided to try these Hallongrottor as I think they resemble a Jammy Dodger and my Grandson absolutely loves Jammy Dodgers. To the point where he has a secret stash in my home so that…

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Vegan Toscakaka – Swedish Almond Cake

Saturday again and time to bake before setting off for a hike with Jo. Todays bake is a vegan version of a cake I already have on the blog so I won’t bore you with the story of where the name Toscakaka came from or the origins of this…

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Vegan Scones

I am on fire with these posts at the moment, it is so great to have my baking and blogging vibe back and I am so pleased that I have discovered so many great vegan treats to share with you all. Jo and I have just got back from our…

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Vegan Kladdkaka

I may of mentioned in previous posts that I am obsessed with anything hygge , fika and basically anything Nordic, especially Nordic baking, I have quite a few recipes already on the blog, but I really do not think it can hurt to have a few more !!! I do…

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Vegan Pavlova

I have just had the most amazing five days with my little girl, well not so little, she is nearly 30!!! What I mean is, I got to spend time with one of my most favourite people in the World, doing some of our most favourite things together, we hiked,…

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vegan chocolate cake

Vegan Chocolate Cake

I bet you can’t believe it, two blog posts in two days !!! I made a lot of promises to myself for 2020 and one of them was to blog more, I have been discovering some great recipes, cooking and baking them and then losing them or forgetting where I…

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Chocolate Gâteau with Raspberry, Rose and Vanilla Cream

Chocolate Gâteau with Raspberry, Rose and Vanilla Cream

I have to confess to leaving it far to long since my last post, my laptop charger died on me and I did try to use Hubby’s laptop, but only to discover that I am an Apple Girl through and through and can not cope with anything else ! Also…

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Another Chocolate Cake

Another chocolate cake, really !!! But can you have too many ??? I don’t think so, especially when your Husband and one of your Best Friends, (you know who you are), love chocolate cake and sometimes it is nice to try other recipes, even though my Fudge Cake is still…

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custard cream bars

Custard Cream Bars

Now I am not sure how to describe these Custard Cream Bars, they were not what I expected, but you know me, I just love scouring the internet for new recipes, I love something a little different, but I must admit that the downside of finding recipes on Pinterest is…

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