
Twelfth night cake

Twelfth Night Cake

The Twelfth Night is a festival in some branches of Christianity marking the coming of the Epiphany and concluding the Twelve Days of Christmas,the cake traditionally celebrating Epiphany in France is called a galette des rois and consists of flaky puff pastry layers with a dense centre of frangipane. Tradition…

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Advent Bread with Maple Icing

October is here and Autumn is in full swing, the hedgerows are full of sloes and blackberries, chestnuts are on the trees and all around the colours are changing to those autumnal hues of red, orange and brown. What has been deceptive is the warmth and glorious sunshine, I can…

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Christmas Cake

Christmas Cake with Spelt Flour

Christmas Cake is one of my most favourite things in the world to bake, I absolutely love Christmas, the tradition, the family coming together at the table and all the fabulous nostalgic smells that waft from the kitchen through the house. I also love Christmas cake because it is one…

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Chocolate Meringues

Chocolate Meringue Whoppers

Hello and welcome to ‘Mad Meringue Week’, every day for the next seven days I will be bringing you a different recipe and flavour of meringue, why you may ask, my reply, ‘why not’! It is Summer after all and even though meringues are perfect any time of the year,…

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Homemade Honeycomb

Honeycomb, Cinder Toffee, Hokey Pokey, what ever you like to call it, its one of those naughty sweet treats that is highly addictive and while I was sharing a recipe for Marshmallows and the tricky process of working with sugar and thermometers, I thought I may as well add this…

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Gingerbread Cake

Just had to quickly tell you about this sticky gorgeous gingerbread cake, a perfect Christmas treat, so simple to make, fills the house with yummy Christmas smells and really hits the spot served with a cup of tea on a cold frosty morning and because you can store it so…

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A nice surprise in the post

I received a nice surprise in the post the other day, at first I thought what a strange thing to send to someone who bakes all the time, never buys shop cakes and would be highly critical of a cake that came in a tin! Well you will be pleased…

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Simple Dark Chocolate Torte

I know I already have a very traditional chocolate torte on my blog, but this recipe is far simpler and a great one to quickly knock together and pop in the oven for a gorgeous evening dessert. I threw mine together whilst I finished cooking our dinner last night and…

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