Fathers Day

Another Chocolate Cake

Another chocolate cake, really !!! But can you have too many ??? I don’t think so, especially when your Husband and one of your Best Friends, (you know who you are), love chocolate cake and sometimes it is nice to try other recipes, even though my Fudge Cake is still…

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spice-scented beans

Spice-scented Beans

I know, its been a very long time since my last post and I am very sorry, but as I think I have already mentioned I have been rather busy setting up and running my new business www.dianashouse.co.uk  , please check out the website, I am so proud of it and…

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spicy chicken wings

Meat Liquor Chicken Wings

I may not get time very often to write on my blog, but I promise you that in this case it has been worth the wait as today I bring you one of my all time favourite recipes, a recipe so tasty and so addictive that I hope you will…

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A nice surprise in the post

I received a nice surprise in the post the other day, at first I thought what a strange thing to send to someone who bakes all the time, never buys shop cakes and would be highly critical of a cake that came in a tin! Well you will be pleased…

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Millionaires Shortbread Pots

My Hubby loves the Millionaires shortbread pots that Marks & Spencers sell and he has been on at me for ages to make him some, so today his wish has been granted and I have done my take on these yummy little pots of heaven, using Hubby’s favourite biscuits, Bourbons….

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Bayonne Ham Omelette

To say that Hubby and I are competitive, especially in the kitchen, would be a slight understatement. We do admit that we both bring different things to the table, or kitchen, so to speak, but touch on the others territory and there will be trouble and tears before bedtime! Hubby…

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Happy Birthday Marmalade

It was my Hubby’s birthday yesterday and if you regularly read my blog or know me, you will know that my Hubby is the most important person to me in the World, he is my best friend and I love him to bits. Last year for his birthday I set…

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Scrambled Eggs & Goats Cheese – Breakfast Heaven

I so wish that I had found this recipe earlier, its to die for and just perfect for this weekend, as it is Father’s Day and I decided that I would spoil Hubby rotten by making him breakfast in bed on both mornings over the weekend. My Hubby works extremely…

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