Mother’s Day

Vegan Victoria Sponge Cake

Vegan Victoria Sponge Cake

The last two weekends the UK has been hit by storms, first storm Ciara and then storm Dennis, battering winds, floods, the only thing to do is stay in and bake a Vegan Victoria Sponge Cake, light lots of candles and snuggle down with a cup of tea and a…

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Vegan Scrambled Tofu

As well as cheese I also love eggs, especially scrambled eggs on toast, fried eggs on toast, poached eggs on toast , just eggs on toast basically !! So finding this recipe for vegan scrambled tofu was a complete revelation and I know that I said this about the vegan…

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Swedish apple pie

Swedish Apple Pie

Following on from my previous post for the Kladdkaka (Swedish Sticky Cake) and after promising to make Luca an apple pie this weekend, I decided that it would be a good opportunity to bake another dish off of my ‘to bake/cook list’ on Pinterest and this Swedish Apple Pie just…

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Quinoa and Cashew Bark

Quinoa and Cashew Bark

Well the excitement following my recent visit to the hospital has waned considerable, its not as plain sailing as I had hoped and the reality is that I still have the air cast boot, my crutches and now because I am trying to walk again, a hugely swollen, painful and…

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passionfruit curd cake

Passionfruit Curd Cake

Yes I am back already, I did warn you that this bed rest malarkey bored me silly and I am enjoying doing something productive whist laying here. I would however like to point out that any errors or spelling mistakes I am completely and utterly blaming on medication and not…

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Chocolate Gâteau with Raspberry, Rose and Vanilla Cream

Chocolate Gâteau with Raspberry, Rose and Vanilla Cream

I have to confess to leaving it far to long since my last post, my laptop charger died on me and I did try to use Hubby’s laptop, but only to discover that I am an Apple Girl through and through and can not cope with anything else ! Also…

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