
you are what you eat

Citrus Chicken Salad

I’m back, I survived, I ate cleanly and healthy!!! Where have I been you may be asking yourself, Vegas Baby!!! Now this may come as a shock to those who know me, ‘Vegas’, Diana would never go to Vegas, she would hate it, but Hubby had a conference there for…

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Moroccan Prawns, Cous Cous and Salsa

Moroccan Prawns, Cous Cous and Salsa

So today I started my new job at the local Medical Practice, all very exciting, but so much to learn and it is beyond busy, but I have promised to keep up with the blog and with my other business, Diana’s House, so after returning home, doing the washing, catching…

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Fish Tacos with Kiwi Salsa

Fish Tacos with Kiwi Salsa

My Hubby loves to cook just as much as I do, he is an absolutely wonderful cook and I feel very blessed. One of his favourite chefs is Jamie Oliver and he has nearly everyone of his cookery books and I have just brought him Jamie’s latest book, ‘ Everyday…

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Skinny Sloppy Joes

Skinny Sloppy Joes

So here is another recipe that Luca has announced at the dinner table as ‘Blog Worthy’! I find it rather amusing that we all now rate the food that we eat as blog worthy or not, we may not always agree on what actually is ‘Blog Worthy’, and I often…

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Ricotta Tarts with Mint and Three-Pea Salad

I though I would continue the savoury theme with these delicious fresh and clean tasting Ricotta Tarts with Mint and Three-Pea Salad, I am a little late bringing this recipe to the blog, due to the laptop charger melt down I was unable to post this when we first made…

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passionfruit curd cake

Passionfruit Curd Cake

Yes I am back already, I did warn you that this bed rest malarkey bored me silly and I am enjoying doing something productive whist laying here. I would however like to point out that any errors or spelling mistakes I am completely and utterly blaming on medication and not…

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