
Greek lamb pie

Greek Lamb Pies with Feta Mash Topping

Hubby is always nagging me to get off my backside and get round to subscribing to my three favourite magazines, Delicious, Olive and Good Food ! Like he has pointed out, I religiously buy them every month and have done for years, so why not subscribe, save some money and…

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Traditional Greek Lamb with Pasta

Yesterday Hubby and I attended the Rush Oscars, a very glamourous event, plus as we were VIP guests we received the complete star treatment. The awards were given out at the Piccadilly Theatre and then Rush had hired the whole of Tiger Tiger Haymarket for the after show celebrations. A…

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Prawns with Lemon, Peri Peri, Garlic & Feta

Hubby & I get every third weekend alone, oh how we look forward to these weekends alone, precious time together…ALONE, no children, no work, no stress, no cleaning, its pure bliss and we know its what keeps our marriage alive and well. Far to many couples lose sight of there…

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My favourite dinner – Tava (Cypriot baked lamb & potatoes with cumin & Tomatoes)

By now I expect that you have noticed that I don’t cook any English food, have a passion for Tessa Kiros cookery books and have been very influenced by my Italian up bringing, well this recipe is no exception as it is a beautiful Cypriot dish from the lovely Tessa…

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