When I decided to look at my diet and started to eat healthily I thought that incorporating it into my every day lifestyle and also making it interesting would be very hard, also with a really bad sweet tooth and a love of cake as big as mine I actually thought…
Curried Chicken Couscous
As you know we have become a family that is trying to ‘eat cleanly’, Rosie and I are embracing the new regime and we are actually achieving more than 80/85% which is what is required to do the diet properly, we have not been missing chocolate or cakes, when we…
Lemon Brown Rice Salad
So here is CLEAN EATING recipe number two, Lemon Brown Rice Salad, I know the photo may make it look a little bland, but don’t under estimate this yummy, filing and very good for you salad. We had it as a main dinner last night but it would be great…
Citrus French Toast
I have a couple of posts to write today and I just had to start with this one, in the photo above is myself with my gorgeous brood, I know if you go back over my blog you will find a post written especially for each one of my gorgeous…
Wild Garlic Pesto
I love this time of the year, its the start of the foraging season, during the Spring and the Summer months the great outdoors presents us with a wonderful array of delicious free food and in Spring I think it is at its most potent, its full of energy, everywhere…