Natures Pantry

Lemon Brown Rice Salad

Lemon Brown Rice Salad

So here is CLEAN EATING recipe number two, Lemon Brown Rice Salad, I know the photo may make it look a little bland, but don’t under estimate this yummy, filing and very good for you salad. We had it as a main dinner last night but it would be great…

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Citrus French Toast

Citrus French Toast

I have a couple of posts to write today and I just had to start with this one, in the photo above is myself with my gorgeous brood, I know if you go back over my blog you will find a post written especially for each one of my gorgeous…

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date cake

Date Cake with Zesty Cream Cheese Icing

A new year is here and as I mentioned in an earlier post my baking mojo has disappeared, I think all this rain has washed it away, but just recently I have started to crave a slice of cake again. Like many of us over Christmas I put on a…

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Apple Pies

Salted Caramel Apple Pies

This morning I woke to a stunning Autumnal morning, the garden had been given quite a dusting of sparkling white glitter from Jack Frost and it was so beautiful. It made me aware that our Autumn days will soon be behind us and that Winter will be well and truly…

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Jasmine Cake

Jasmine Cake

When the Primrose Bakery Celebrations Cookery Book dropped through my letter box the other day I knew straight away that this Jasmine Cake would have to be the first cake that I baked. I have been looking for the perfect Jasmine Cake for my blog for a while now, as…

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spelt buns

Spelt Muffin Tin Buns

If you are a regular reader of my blog you will already know that I am a huge fan of spelt flour and I use it where ever I can in recipes, it is an ancient relative of modern wheat, the spelt grain (triticum speltum) was widely grown by the Romans….

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