Amber Rose

spice-scented beans

Spice-scented Beans

I know, its been a very long time since my last post and I am very sorry, but as I think I have already mentioned I have been rather busy setting up and running my new business  , please check out the website, I am so proud of it and…

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Toscakaka – caramel almond-topped sponge

I was very excited about this new cookery book ‘Scandalicious Baking’ arriving in the post, because since ordering ‘Love Bake Nourish’ all the other new cookery books that I have brought just have not lived up to the gorgeous recipes in Amber Rose’s fabulous book. Its been very disappointing indeed….

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Happy 3rd Birthday Gelsomina’s Cucina

Three years ago today I sat in my kitchen and wrote my very first blog post! The idea at the time, was to bring together all our families favourite recipes in one easy to access place. Simon had left home and would often ring me for cooking advice and recipes,…

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Spiced Fairy Cakes – with spelt flour

Its Saturday, its raining, Hubby is watching the F1, so where am I, of course, in the kitchen, where else would I be on a day like today! I decided I needed to bake a little treat to have with a cup of tea when we finally congregate as a…

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Spelt Flour Victoria Sponge

I love cookery books, but I have to confess to being a bit of a cookery book snob. Book after book appear, but many are so boring and so repetitive. To make it onto my bookshelves a cookery book has to offer me something new, something exciting and something a…

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