best friend

Another Chocolate Cake

Another chocolate cake, really !!! But can you have too many ??? I don’t think so, especially when your Husband and one of your Best Friends, (you know who you are), love chocolate cake and sometimes it is nice to try other recipes, even though my Fudge Cake is still…

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Ferrero Rocher Mousse Cake

Ferrero Rocher Mousse Cake

Last night my eldest Son Simon and his lovely girlfriend came over for dinner, I was so looking forward to it as things are particularly difficult at the moment as my best friend of 28 years was told that her cancer is terminal and this is breaking my heart, again…

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Prawn and Crab Linguine

So for over 3 years my amazing Wife has been blogging and photographing all of her amazing kitchen creations, and not once has anyone else contributed towards her blog, until today! If you know my Wife or have been following her creations through this blog, what you would have learnt…

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Happy Birthday Marmalade

It was my Hubby’s birthday yesterday and if you regularly read my blog or know me, you will know that my Hubby is the most important person to me in the World, he is my best friend and I love him to bits. Last year for his birthday I set…

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Everyone needs a good basic sponge recipe

Everyone should have a simple, but works every time sponge recipe in their repertoire, something that you can knock up in seconds and can adapt.   My recipe comes from a cookery book that I have had for over 22 years, pages have now fallen out, there is no index,…

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Prawns with Lemon, Peri Peri, Garlic & Feta

Hubby & I get every third weekend alone, oh how we look forward to these weekends alone, precious time together…ALONE, no children, no work, no stress, no cleaning, its pure bliss and we know its what keeps our marriage alive and well. Far to many couples lose sight of there…

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