Boxing Day

Chocolate Pear Temptation

My thoughts recently have been about Christmas, where will we be living, what style of house and how perfect our present home is for Christmas. I have viewed house after house, all far smaller than ours and with kitchens which frankly could never inspire me to get out there and…

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Ham in Cherry Coke

Ok, I have gone off the beaten track a little lately and forgotten what I originally started this Blog for and that was for my Children, so that they had somewhere they could get hold of all their favourite recipes, where ever they were.   So getting back on track,…

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Rosie 19/08/1993 – Dauphinoise Potatoes

Its time to meet my one & only Daughter, the poor little girl that is stuck between all those Brothers. Rosie knows that if I had my way when I was pregnant with her I would of wanted another boy, little girls scared me and were a whole new ball…

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