
Chocolate Bundt Cake

I have to tell you a little guilty pleasure of mine…. I just love a bundt tin ! They can be expensive to buy, they are notorious for being hard work to get cakes out of, but they are just so pretty and can make the most simple of cakes look…

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Mince Pie Cake

Mince Pie Cake

I just wanted to post a very quick recipe just to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and to thank you all for following my blog and for all the lovely feedback that I have received during the year. 2014 has seen a few…

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ginger cake

Ginger Cake – Everyday Version

Christmas is coming ! I know that it is only November and I completely agree that Christmas should not be thought about until at least the 1st December, but as every baker knows, sometimes Christmas does have to sneak in a little bit earlier, making mincemeat and the traditional Christmas…

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Elderflower, Lemon and Strawberry Cake with a Yoghurt Dressing

I am not sure where to begin with this cake, there is so much to say, I could tell you how wonderfully perfect it is for the summer, or about its healthy virtues because it is made using spelt flour, honey, unrefined sugar and organic products and all this would…

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Lilac Syrup Cake

Its Friday, the sun is out and it is gloriously hot, the weather for the weekend is forecast as being sunny and warm, this means lots of walks, time in the garden and of course afternoon tea. I needed an excuse to use my lovely Lilac sugar and syrup that…

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Wildflower Honey & Edible Flower Cake

Bank holiday weekend and we have had some glorious sunny days, for me this signals a need to go out into the countryside to walk and to forage, then to bake, this weekend was no exception. Hubby and I seem to of fallen into a pattern of, while he watches…

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