
Another Chocolate Cake

Another chocolate cake, really !!! But can you have too many ??? I don’t think so, especially when your Husband and one of your Best Friends, (you know who you are), love chocolate cake and sometimes it is nice to try other recipes, even though my Fudge Cake is still…

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spice-scented beans

Spice-scented Beans

I know, its been a very long time since my last post and I am very sorry, but as I think I have already mentioned I have been rather busy setting up and running my new business  , please check out the website, I am so proud of it and…

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Lemon Pasta

Lemon Feta and Mascarpone Pasta with Grilled Asparagus

It has been a very busy, very hot and sunny but lovely weekend, from Friday evening to Sunday we just didn’t seem to stop but still found the time some how to try some new lovely meals and this Lemon Feta and Mascarpone Pasta with Grilled Asparagus was one that I…

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Caramelised Balsamic Onion and Gruyere Pizza

Caramelised Balsamic Onion and Gruyere Pizza

OMG this caramelised balsamic onion and gruyere pizza was so yummy, so addictive and moreish that I was rather pleased that Luca didn’t like it, it meant that I got to eat his as well, LOL ! Have you ever eaten anything that is so yum that even though you…

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leek, potato and goats cheese tarte tatin

Leek, Potato and Goats Cheese Tarte Tatin

I actually do not know where to begin with this recipe, yes it is a little more complicated than the Chicken cooked in Coconut Milk but trust me, it is so worth it, it is truly heaven on a plate. What could be nicer than old friends like leek and potato…

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baked sweet potatoes

Baked Sweet Potatoes with Brie and Wild Mushrooms

So here is my hat trick recipe, recipe number 3 from May/Junes Ocado Life Magazine, delicious baked sweet potatoes with yummy melting Brie and garlicky wild mushrooms and set on peppery watercress. I have to admit that watercress is one of my favourite things to eat and is gorgeous drizzled with…

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raw courgette spaghetti

Raw Courgette Spaghetti with Lemon, Feta, Pea, Mint and Pea Shoots

It would appear that I have fallen rather behind with my blog post entries, this I can blame on numerous things, sunshine (well I would rather be outside, who wouldn’t), bad health and when in good health my love of being in my workshop rather than the kitchen, but I…

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