
Banana Jacks - Sugar Free

Banana Jacks – Sugar Free

So yesterday I mentioned two things in my blog post, one my Hubby’s love of Jamie Oliver and also my new passion for Harris + Hoole, the coffee shop that I have discovered and fallen in love with, so continuing with these subjects I bring to you my version of…

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custard cream bars

Custard Cream Bars

Now I am not sure how to describe these Custard Cream Bars, they were not what I expected, but you know me, I just love scouring the internet for new recipes, I love something a little different, but I must admit that the downside of finding recipes on Pinterest is…

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Chocolate Bundt Cake

I have to tell you a little guilty pleasure of mine…. I just love a bundt tin ! They can be expensive to buy, they are notorious for being hard work to get cakes out of, but they are just so pretty and can make the most simple of cakes look…

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Paleo Breakfast Cookies

Paleo Breakfast Cookies

Please excuse the photo’s on this post, but by the time I got round to writing this they had all gone, a good sign that they were good, but still frustrating when you have a blog to write up ! I will definitely be baking these again and promise to…

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Very Healthy Snack Bars

So its January, time for fad diets, memberships to gyms that will be forgotten about by March and just heaps of new years resolutions that are impossible to keep. Now you all know that I have the sweetest tooth in the world, I just love cake, but if you are…

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Advent Bread with Maple Icing

October is here and Autumn is in full swing, the hedgerows are full of sloes and blackberries, chestnuts are on the trees and all around the colours are changing to those autumnal hues of red, orange and brown. What has been deceptive is the warmth and glorious sunshine, I can…

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Christmas Cake

Christmas Cake with Spelt Flour

Christmas Cake is one of my most favourite things in the world to bake, I absolutely love Christmas, the tradition, the family coming together at the table and all the fabulous nostalgic smells that waft from the kitchen through the house. I also love Christmas cake because it is one…

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