
you are what you eat

Citrus Chicken Salad

I’m back, I survived, I ate cleanly and healthy!!! Where have I been you may be asking yourself, Vegas Baby!!! Now this may come as a shock to those who know me, ‘Vegas’, Diana would never go to Vegas, she would hate it, but Hubby had a conference there for…

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Chilli Chicken Stir-Fry with Beans

There are just some recipes that cause a stir in this house (please excuse the pun, LOL), when Luca comes out with a comment like ‘that was the best dinner I have eaten in ages’, I just know that I have to get it onto the blog ASAP and whilst…

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leek, potato and goats cheese tarte tatin

Leek, Potato and Goats Cheese Tarte Tatin

I actually do not know where to begin with this recipe, yes it is a little more complicated than the Chicken cooked in Coconut Milk but trust me, it is so worth it, it is truly heaven on a plate. What could be nicer than old friends like leek and potato…

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spicy chicken wings

Meat Liquor Chicken Wings

I may not get time very often to write on my blog, but I promise you that in this case it has been worth the wait as today I bring you one of my all time favourite recipes, a recipe so tasty and so addictive that I hope you will…

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