Cornflake Brownies

Finally yesterday the sun came out and it was T-Shirt weather, it is also Bluebell time in the woodlands so naturally I had to get outside and enjoy the beautiful countryside that I am so blessed to be in a short walking distance of, but before we left I of…

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vegan chocolate cake

Vegan Chocolate Cake

I bet you can’t believe it, two blog posts in two days !!! I made a lot of promises to myself for 2020 and one of them was to blog more, I have been discovering some great recipes, cooking and baking them and then losing them or forgetting where I…

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Chocolate Gâteau with Raspberry, Rose and Vanilla Cream

Chocolate Gâteau with Raspberry, Rose and Vanilla Cream

I have to confess to leaving it far to long since my last post, my laptop charger died on me and I did try to use Hubby’s laptop, but only to discover that I am an Apple Girl through and through and can not cope with anything else ! Also…

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chocolate mousse

Chocolate Mousse

My Husband is a huge chocoholic, me not so much, but every now and then he nags me enough to make him something that he would really like rather than something floral and quaint ! On this occasions, thanks to Pinterest he spotted this chocolate mousse, great, you maybe thinking,…

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Another Chocolate Cake

Another chocolate cake, really !!! But can you have too many ??? I don’t think so, especially when your Husband and one of your Best Friends, (you know who you are), love chocolate cake and sometimes it is nice to try other recipes, even though my Fudge Cake is still…

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Chocolate Bundt Cake

I have to tell you a little guilty pleasure of mine…. I just love a bundt tin ! They can be expensive to buy, they are notorious for being hard work to get cakes out of, but they are just so pretty and can make the most simple of cakes look…

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Chocolate and Strawberry Cake

The sun is shining and my thoughts turn to Afternoon Tea in the garden and of course scrumptious cake ! Recently Olly and I popped into The Cake Shed in Tunbridge Wells and are now totally addicted, the sandwiches and range of tea choices are amazing, but what is really…

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Chocolate Meringues

Chocolate Meringue Whoppers

Hello and welcome to ‘Mad Meringue Week’, every day for the next seven days I will be bringing you a different recipe and flavour of meringue, why you may ask, my reply, ‘why not’! It is Summer after all and even though meringues are perfect any time of the year,…

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