chocolate cake

vegan chocolate cake

Vegan Chocolate Cake

I bet you can’t believe it, two blog posts in two days !!! I made a lot of promises to myself for 2020 and one of them was to blog more, I have been discovering some great recipes, cooking and baking them and then losing them or forgetting where I…

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Another Chocolate Cake

Another chocolate cake, really !!! But can you have too many ??? I don’t think so, especially when your Husband and one of your Best Friends, (you know who you are), love chocolate cake and sometimes it is nice to try other recipes, even though my Fudge Cake is still…

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Chocolate Bundt Cake

I have to tell you a little guilty pleasure of mine…. I just love a bundt tin ! They can be expensive to buy, they are notorious for being hard work to get cakes out of, but they are just so pretty and can make the most simple of cakes look…

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Chocolate Layer Cake

Chocolate Layer Cake

I wasn’t going to add this recipe, it is a great chocolate cake, but I do have so many cakes already on here. I did think it would be fine to just keep it in the magazine and fish it out when I needed it, but I have baked it…

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Chocolate Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce (Gluten Free)

Whilst browsing on Pinterest I found this gorgeous chocolate cake with salted caramel sauce, its rich, its indulgent, very grown up and gluten free. I love anything with salted caramel, so could not wait to have a reason to bake this dessert. I say dessert because even though it was referred…

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Pretty in Pink

I am trying to get a head of the game a little and bake and write up some lovely recipes for Valentines, starting with this ‘Pretty in Pink’ Cake, of course you can make it any colour that you wish, but for this occasion I thought pink would be just…

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Happy Birthday Marmalade

It was my Hubby’s birthday yesterday and if you regularly read my blog or know me, you will know that my Hubby is the most important person to me in the World, he is my best friend and I love him to bits. Last year for his birthday I set…

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Fabulously simple chocolate fudge cake

As you know from my previous post it was my Hubby’s Birthday and our 5 year anniversary, also you will probably also of gathered by reading my blog that I don’t like to do things by half and Birthdays for my loved one’s are no exception.   I decided to…

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