
Vegan Sweet Potato Caribbean Curry

I started to blog again because I have finally got my life back on track, its been a long road of self discovery, but I had to rebuild me and then find the real me, it was never going to be a quick fix. A lot of wonderful people have…

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Vegan Chunky Chilli

Well I am back, finally , and I would like to introduce you to a whole new me, its been nearly two years since my last post and so much has happened in that time, I have a new career, my daughter moved to New Zealand, I have four gorgeous…

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Fish Tacos with Kiwi Salsa

Fish Tacos with Kiwi Salsa

My Hubby loves to cook just as much as I do, he is an absolutely wonderful cook and I feel very blessed. One of his favourite chefs is Jamie Oliver and he has nearly everyone of his cookery books and I have just brought him Jamie’s latest book, ‘ Everyday…

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Pulled Pork Sweet Potato Hash with Eggs

As you may know, if you are a regular to my blog, we recently moved to Kent, buying our first house after years of renting was really scary but also really liberating. For the first time in years we have been able to really create our own space and I…

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Gado Gado

This Gado Gado salad was a new one on me and to be honest when Hubby first suggested it for dinner a couple of days after Christmas instead of the left over gammon with egg and chips I was less than inspired, it was cold outside and I really fancied…

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chorizo pilaf

Chorizo Pilaf

I am not going to put this Chorizo Pilaf under the mains category of Indian, Italian or Spanish, but in ‘other’, this is because I feel that this dish falls somewhere between a paella and a risotto, slow-cooked basmati rice with deep paprika flavours and even though I feel more Spanish…

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raw courgette spaghetti

Raw Courgette Spaghetti with Lemon, Feta, Pea, Mint and Pea Shoots

It would appear that I have fallen rather behind with my blog post entries, this I can blame on numerous things, sunshine (well I would rather be outside, who wouldn’t), bad health and when in good health my love of being in my workshop rather than the kitchen, but I…

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