

Gingerbread Cake

Just had to quickly tell you about this sticky gorgeous gingerbread cake, a perfect Christmas treat, so simple to make, fills the house with yummy Christmas smells and really hits the spot served with a cup of tea on a cold frosty morning and because you can store it so…

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Freedom Food, Eggs & Lavender Ice Cream

As a keen baker and cook I think I would be horrified if I counted up the amount of eggs I use in a year, I know it would be 100’s, if you think about it, nearly everything we bake has eggs in it in some form, it may be…

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The Queen’s Jubilee & Childhood Memories

It’s the start of half-term and as usual I am in the kitchen preparing pancakes for brunch for my brood, its a tradition in our family and one that, however old the Children become, a tradition they still love and always ask for. Watching Luca licking the bowl of a…

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Exploding Chocolate Gateau

I try to keep the recipes on my Blog either very simple or very traditional, this is because the purpose of the Blog is that my Children can access our family recipes where ever they are in the World, but sometimes I do derail a little and decide to add…

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