Doves Farm

Jasmine Cake

Jasmine Cake

When the Primrose Bakery Celebrations Cookery Book dropped through my letter box the other day I knew straight away that this Jasmine Cake would have to be the first cake that I baked. I have been looking for the perfect Jasmine Cake for my blog for a while now, as…

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Elderflower, Lemon and Strawberry Cake with a Yoghurt Dressing

I am not sure where to begin with this cake, there is so much to say, I could tell you how wonderfully perfect it is for the summer, or about its healthy virtues because it is made using spelt flour, honey, unrefined sugar and organic products and all this would…

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Lilac Syrup Cake

Its Friday, the sun is out and it is gloriously hot, the weather for the weekend is forecast as being sunny and warm, this means lots of walks, time in the garden and of course afternoon tea. I needed an excuse to use my lovely Lilac sugar and syrup that…

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Spelt Flour Victoria Sponge

I love cookery books, but I have to confess to being a bit of a cookery book snob. Book after book appear, but many are so boring and so repetitive. To make it onto my bookshelves a cookery book has to offer me something new, something exciting and something a…

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