Earl Grey

date cake

Date Cake with Zesty Cream Cheese Icing

A new year is here and as I mentioned in an earlier post my baking mojo has disappeared, I think all this rain has washed it away, but just recently I have started to crave a slice of cake again. Like many of us over Christmas I put on a…

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The Perfect Easter Afternoon Tea

This isn’t really a new blog post or recipe in the traditional way, but more a simple way of helping you devise the perfect afternoon tea, obviously you can tweak the menu to suit your palate, but it offers a rough guide to help you plan your perfect afternoon. My…

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Blackberry Muffins

It’s the last week of the Summer Holidays and the sunshine is back, so Luca & I are enjoying a rare day alone and decided to go Blackberry picking. We returned with a fair sized haul, covered in scratches and a few nettle stings and with purple fingers and mouths…

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