
Moroccan Prawns, Cous Cous and Salsa

Moroccan Prawns, Cous Cous and Salsa

So today I started my new job at the local Medical Practice, all very exciting, but so much to learn and it is beyond busy, but I have promised to keep up with the blog and with my other business, Diana’s House, so after returning home, doing the washing, catching…

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Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Bake

Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Bake

Now this recipe came with the original title of ‘Beet and Carrot Detox Bake’, not wanting you all to groan and think, here she goes on again, banging on about nutrition I decided to tone the bold claim down a little and called it Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Bake instead, but…

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Heaven in a Bowl

I wasn’t sure what to call this and I know that the photos really do not do this dish justice, but this truly is heaven in a bread bowl ! Thats it, thats what I will call it, ‘Heaven in a Bowl’, perfect. I know Hubby will moan that for…

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Chilli Chicken Stir-Fry with Beans

There are just some recipes that cause a stir in this house (please excuse the pun, LOL), when Luca comes out with a comment like ‘that was the best dinner I have eaten in ages’, I just know that I have to get it onto the blog ASAP and whilst…

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Blue Cheese Tart with Roasted Garlic

Blue Cheese Tart with Roasted Garlic

So after the last post going on a little I bring you something short and sweet. If my romantic ramblings about Autumn left you unmoved and you are not yet ready to leave Summer behind and embrace the new season I bring to you something a little fresher and lighter…

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Red Wine and Caramelised Onion Slow-roasted Lamb Shoulder

Red Wine and Caramelised Onion Slow-roasted Lamb Shoulder

As August draws to a close, the bank holiday is upon us and Autumn is just around the corner, I start to notice the changes in the season, a chillier start to the day, gorgeous weak but still very welcomed evening sunlight filtering lazily through the windows illuminating the house in…

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chorizo burger

Mexican Chorizo and Garlic Prawn Burgers

Now when Hubby declared that this week was going to be ‘Burger Week’ I have to admit to letting out a small groan. Please do not get me wrong, I love a good gourmet burger as much as the next person, but really, a whole week!!! Well day two and…

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