Good Food

Eccles Sponge Cake

On Saturday I had my Mum & Dad over for the afternoon, Mum is diabetic now but absolutely loves my cakes, so I know I shouldn’t but I couldn’t resist baking for her, well it is Christmas! I found this lovely recipe for the Eccles Sponge Cake in the January…

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Turkish Delight Vodka

For me, Christmas is not Christmas without a wrapped polygon shaped box appearing under the Christmas tree. This tradition goes back to my Father, who just loves Turkish Delight, every year my Mum would buy him a box for Christmas Day, she would always have to hide it as Dad…

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Maple-glazed hot dogs with mustardy onions

So here as promised is the amazing but again very simple to make maple-glazed hot dogs with mustardy onions.   As you will of seen on my previous post, I served these with spicy potato wedges, but as Bonfire Night will soon be upon us I think these would be…

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Red Velvet Cake

Red Velvet Cake

If you have brought Octobers edition of Good Food you are in for a treat as Edd Kimber has a fantastic section in there showcasing his heavenly cakes. You may remember Edd from last years Great British Bake Off, I was a total addict to the show last year and…

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Greek lamb pie

Greek Lamb Pies with Feta Mash Topping

Hubby is always nagging me to get off my backside and get round to subscribing to my three favourite magazines, Delicious, Olive and Good Food ! Like he has pointed out, I religiously buy them every month and have done for years, so why not subscribe, save some money and…

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