
Chilli Chicken Stir-Fry with Beans

There are just some recipes that cause a stir in this house (please excuse the pun, LOL), when Luca comes out with a comment like ‘that was the best dinner I have eaten in ages’, I just know that I have to get it onto the blog ASAP and whilst…

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chorizo burger

Mexican Chorizo and Garlic Prawn Burgers

Now when Hubby declared that this week was going to be ‘Burger Week’ I have to admit to letting out a small groan. Please do not get me wrong, I love a good gourmet burger as much as the next person, but really, a whole week!!! Well day two and…

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Pulled Pork Sweet Potato Hash with Eggs

As you may know, if you are a regular to my blog, we recently moved to Kent, buying our first house after years of renting was really scary but also really liberating. For the first time in years we have been able to really create our own space and I…

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Caramelised Balsamic Onion and Gruyere Pizza

Caramelised Balsamic Onion and Gruyere Pizza

OMG this caramelised balsamic onion and gruyere pizza was so yummy, so addictive and moreish that I was rather pleased that Luca didn’t like it, it meant that I got to eat his as well, LOL ! Have you ever eaten anything that is so yum that even though you…

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raw courgette spaghetti

Raw Courgette Spaghetti with Lemon, Feta, Pea, Mint and Pea Shoots

It would appear that I have fallen rather behind with my blog post entries, this I can blame on numerous things, sunshine (well I would rather be outside, who wouldn’t), bad health and when in good health my love of being in my workshop rather than the kitchen, but I…

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roasted peppers with white bean mash

Roasted Peppers with White Bean Mash

I am afraid that I have fallen off my clean eating diet a little, it started with Stephen’s birthday and then having the gorgeous Limoncello Tiramisu left over really didn’t help, but I really have paid for my naughtiness. I have been bloated and have felt really unwell, so lesson…

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tortelloni di zucca

Tortelloni di Zucca

Life has become so busy and Hubby and I have got into a bit of a rut with our meals, so we decided to sit down and find some lovely new recipes, we both love to cook from scratch using gorgeous ingredients and bring these meals that have been made…

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