Devil’s Food Cake

Well yesterday was my Birthday and Hubby promised me a whole weekend off and promised to spoil me like a Princess. He kept to his word and I didn’t have to lift a finger all weekend, he did the washing, the school ironing, the meals, it was fantastic. On the…

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Sugar Saucers

Finding a good cookie recipe is not easy and I have tried many, but this one is just lovely, chewy on the outside, soft in the middle and full of flavour. Its the sort of recipe that you can play with and have a lot of fun with, depending on…

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Vassilopitta – New Year Wish Cake

Well finally I’m back and so much has happened since my last blog, we have finally moved, waited nearly four weeks for broadband, had snow and been snowed in and I fell over on the ice and have been bed bound. So pretty manic as usual, not much time for…

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