
Cornflake Brownies

Finally yesterday the sun came out and it was T-Shirt weather, it is also Bluebell time in the woodlands so naturally I had to get outside and enjoy the beautiful countryside that I am so blessed to be in a short walking distance of, but before we left I of…

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Vegan Toscakaka – Swedish Almond Cake

Saturday again and time to bake before setting off for a hike with Jo. Todays bake is a vegan version of a cake I already have on the blog https://www.gelsominascucina.com/2013/06/toscakaka-caramel-almond-topped-sponge.html so I won’t bore you with the story of where the name Toscakaka came from or the origins of this…

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Vegan Kladdkaka

I may of mentioned in previous posts that I am obsessed with anything hygge , fika and basically anything Nordic, especially Nordic baking, I have quite a few recipes already on the blog, but I really do not think it can hurt to have a few more !!! I do…

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Dutch Butter Cake – Boterkoek

This Dutch Butter Cake (Boterkoek) is a moist, soft butter cake, famous in the Netherlands and is often served with a cup of coffee. It’s so easy  to make and very popular, a regular when visiting friends , the smell of the baking buttery cake often greets you at the doorway. …

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