James Martin

Roasted leg of lamb with boulangère potatoes and a fricassée of onions and peas

Well Easter has come and gone and what a fabulous Easter it was, we had spring sunshine, family & good food, for me thats just perfect. I know I don’t need an excuse to bring people around my table for food, chatter and giggles, but if there is a celebration,…

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Lobster Thermidor

And now for our New Year’s Eve/Wedding Anniversary main course, if we were not going out it just had to be lobster, we both love it and Hubby had the brain wave of making a day of it, we were going to Borough Market, get some lunch and buy our…

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Godstone Mud Pie (Mississippi Mud Pie)

I haven’t been very well the last few days and have spent today laying on the sofa watching the Foodie Channels, being inspired by Nigella and James Martin and getting some great ideas for Hubby’s upcoming works BBQ.   I have also been very lucky today as Rosie has been…

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Quick Strawberry & Vanilla Gateau

This weekend has not gone to plan, like many best laid plans, life has come along and thrown a spanner in the works.   Friday night Ben and I rushed off to Sainsburys to buy the ingredients needed for the above gateau, this was to be made in preparation for…

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