Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Bake

Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Bake

Now this recipe came with the original title of ‘Beet and Carrot Detox Bake’, not wanting you all to groan and think, here she goes on again, banging on about nutrition I decided to tone the bold claim down a little and called it Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Bake instead, but…

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Gado Gado

This Gado Gado salad was a new one on me and to be honest when Hubby first suggested it for dinner a couple of days after Christmas instead of the left over gammon with egg and chips I was less than inspired, it was cold outside and I really fancied…

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cacao slices

No Bake Cacao Slices

Today I have a mountain of work to get through, I am sat at my desk in the office looking out the window at glorious sunshine thinking that I need to get a move on and get outside, I have four blog posts to type up and staring at the…

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Chocolate and Ale Cake

Chocolate and Ale Cake

Thank god for chocolate cake! Chocolate cake ticks all the boxes that all good comfort food should and this one not only ticks the chocolate box, the cake box, it also ticks the booze box. It is so rich, dark and moist and served with the muscovado and malt cream would…

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