Olive Oil

Vegan Scrambled Tofu

As well as cheese I also love eggs, especially scrambled eggs on toast, fried eggs on toast, poached eggs on toast , just eggs on toast basically !! So finding this recipe for vegan scrambled tofu was a complete revelation and I know that I said this about the vegan…

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Beetroot and Pea Risotto with Mint and Feta

Beetroot and Pea Risotto with Mint and Feta

Beetroot and Pea Risotto with Mint and Feta is the first main course dish that I have cooked from Dale Pinnock’s book, The Medicinal Chef, and I have to warn you that it is not for the faint hearted, however if you love beetroot, then please read on, as this…

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grilled vegetable pasta salad

Vegetable Pasta Salad

I can not believe my luck, the first book I brought from Amazon on ‘Clean Eating’ and every recipe so far has been amazing. There has only been one so far that I have not blogged and that was more to do with my taste and not that the recipe…

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Lemon Brown Rice Salad

Lemon Brown Rice Salad

So here is CLEAN EATING recipe number two, Lemon Brown Rice Salad, I know the photo may make it look a little bland, but don’t under estimate this yummy, filing and very good for you salad. We had it as a main dinner last night but it would be great…

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Antipasto (plural antipasti), means “before the meal” and is the traditional first course of a formal Italian meal. Traditional antipasto includes cured meats, olives, roasted garlic, peperoncini, mushrooms, anchovies, artichoke hearts, various cheeses (such as provolone or mozzarella) and peperone (marinated small green bell peppers, not to be confused with…

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My gorgeous Husband – Ben (Boeuf Bourguignon)

I have introduced you to my five gorgeous Children, but now want to tell you about my most amazing Husband, who came up with the idea of this Blog for me and who is my complete and utter World.   Ben & I have been together now for five years…

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