Orange Blossom

Peach Pavlova

Orange Blossom and Almond Pavlova with Peaches

Welcome to the penultimate recipe in our ‘Mad Meringue Week’ and this one is a little beauty, a stunning combination of flavours and textures and from my favourite book ‘Love Bake Nourish’. I couldn’t go the whole week without creating one of Amber Roses gorgeous recipes for you all to…

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Pistachio & Rosewater Pavlova

Pistachio and Rosewater Pavlova

So its day two of ‘Mad Meringue Week’, I hope you enjoyed yesterdays chocolate meringue whoppers and tip about keeping your bowl completely clean and grease free. Today I bring you some more tips on meringue making, I must admit that I have not yet tried this, it seems a…

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