Rocky Road

custard cream bars

Custard Cream Bars

Now I am not sure how to describe these Custard Cream Bars, they were not what I expected, but you know me, I just love scouring the internet for new recipes, I love something a little different, but I must admit that the downside of finding recipes on Pinterest is…

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Cheese Scone

Cheese Scone

Whilst out with Fiona during the week, enjoying a gorgeous slice of cake and an espresso in Juliet’s in Tunbridge Wells, Fiona had a little ‘food envy’! This is just one of my funny little sayings that makes Fiona laugh, but basically, just incase you don’t know, food envy is…

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Rocky Road

I must apologise firstly for the lack of attention to my much loved Blog, I know that recipes have been few and far between as late but as usual, well more than usual life has become pretty manic. Firstly we went on holiday, then decided to move in September, so…

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