you are what you eat

Citrus Chicken Salad

I’m back, I survived, I ate cleanly and healthy!!! Where have I been you may be asking yourself, Vegas Baby!!! Now this may come as a shock to those who know me, ‘Vegas’, Diana would never go to Vegas, she would hate it, but Hubby had a conference there for…

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Smoky Halloumi and Quinoa Salad

I am a huge fan of halloumi, for those of you that may not of come across halloumi before it is a wonderfully chewy cheese made from a mixture of goat’s and sheep’s milk with a high-melting point which makes it ideal for grilling or frying. You can marinate it…

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Pasta, crunchy chicory & watercress salad, little frangipane tarts

We are now into receipe 2 of our cook our way through Jamie Oliver’s 30 Minute Meals Book and we have another winner. We are beginning to wonder, will they all be this good!   What is nice about this book is that there is a whole spread of food,…

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