Salted Caramel

Apple Pies

Salted Caramel Apple Pies

This morning I woke to a stunning Autumnal morning, the garden had been given quite a dusting of sparkling white glitter from Jack Frost and it was so beautiful. It made me aware that our Autumn days will soon be behind us and that Winter will be well and truly…

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Chocolate Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce (Gluten Free)

Whilst browsing on Pinterest I found this gorgeous chocolate cake with salted caramel sauce, its rich, its indulgent, very grown up and gluten free. I love anything with salted caramel, so could not wait to have a reason to bake this dessert. I say dessert because even though it was referred…

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Salted Caramel Muffins

I must confess to feeling a little sick, you see the Children are at School, all my jobs are done, its raining and I can’t face going out, so I decided to make these gorgeous muffins for the Children when they get home, but having no one here to lick…

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