Son Olly

leek, potato and goats cheese tarte tatin

Leek, Potato and Goats Cheese Tarte Tatin

I actually do not know where to begin with this recipe, yes it is a little more complicated than the Chicken cooked in Coconut Milk but trust me, it is so worth it, it is truly heaven on a plate. What could be nicer than old friends like leek and potato…

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spicy chicken wings

Meat Liquor Chicken Wings

I may not get time very often to write on my blog, but I promise you that in this case it has been worth the wait as today I bring you one of my all time favourite recipes, a recipe so tasty and so addictive that I hope you will…

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Coke Layers – Luca’s 10th Birthday Cake

As promised here is the recipe for the Coke Layers cake I made for Luca’s 10th Birthday, from the Outsider Tart’s fantastic book ‘Baked in America’. This is not the first recipe I have baked from this book, I have made their gorgeous Sugar Saucers, which are wonderful cookies the size…

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Sugar Saucers

Finding a good cookie recipe is not easy and I have tried many, but this one is just lovely, chewy on the outside, soft in the middle and full of flavour. Its the sort of recipe that you can play with and have a lot of fun with, depending on…

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Ravioli Ricotta e Spinaci

You may think that cooking could never be romantic, but I can tell you that it is, Hubby and I have just spent the most lovely evening making ravioli together. Every third weekend we are very lucky to be able to lose the Children for the weekend and spend some…

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Becky comes to dinner.

I recently brought Hubby, Jamie Oliver’s 30 Minute Meals Cookery Book and he loves it, so much so that he has decided to do a Julie & Julia and cook his way through the book. As we progress I will post our favourite recipes. It’s just what a busy family…

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