spring onions

Lemon Brown Rice Salad

Lemon Brown Rice Salad

So here is CLEAN EATING recipe number two, Lemon Brown Rice Salad, I know the photo may make it look a little bland, but don’t under estimate this yummy, filing and very good for you salad. We had it as a main dinner last night but it would be great…

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wild garlic pesto

Wild Garlic Pesto

I love this time of the year, its the start of the foraging season, during the Spring and the Summer months the great outdoors presents us with a wonderful array of delicious free food and in Spring I think it is at its most potent, its full of energy, everywhere…

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Bayonne Ham Omelette

To say that Hubby and I are competitive, especially in the kitchen, would be a slight understatement. We do admit that we both bring different things to the table, or kitchen, so to speak, but touch on the others territory and there will be trouble and tears before bedtime! Hubby…

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Pasta, crunchy chicory & watercress salad, little frangipane tarts

We are now into receipe 2 of our cook our way through Jamie Oliver’s 30 Minute Meals Book and we have another winner. We are beginning to wonder, will they all be this good!   What is nice about this book is that there is a whole spread of food,…

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Potato Salads

Ok before I introduce you to my second Son I have a couple of gorgeous potato salads for you. I was just prepping dinner for tonight, greek salad, lemony potato salad, served with chicken kebabs from our local Farm Shop when I thought these are so lovely and seasonal that…

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