
custard cream bars

Custard Cream Bars

Now I am not sure how to describe these Custard Cream Bars, they were not what I expected, but you know me, I just love scouring the internet for new recipes, I love something a little different, but I must admit that the downside of finding recipes on Pinterest is…

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Mince Pie Cake

Mince Pie Cake

I just wanted to post a very quick recipe just to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and to thank you all for following my blog and for all the lovely feedback that I have received during the year. 2014 has seen a few…

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Italian Easter Biscuits

Last week my lovely little Luca had to make something for Food Technology of his choice, related to Easter, they could remake the Easter biscuits that they had already made in school but it was an exercise to inspire parents to bake with their children at home as we were…

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Chocolate Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce (Gluten Free)

Whilst browsing on Pinterest I found this gorgeous chocolate cake with salted caramel sauce, its rich, its indulgent, very grown up and gluten free. I love anything with salted caramel, so could not wait to have a reason to bake this dessert. I say dessert because even though it was referred…

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The Queen’s Jubilee & Childhood Memories

It’s the start of half-term and as usual I am in the kitchen preparing pancakes for brunch for my brood, its a tradition in our family and one that, however old the Children become, a tradition they still love and always ask for. Watching Luca licking the bowl of a…

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Schokogugelhupf (Chocolate Cake)

As promised I am going to tell you all about my move, finally, back to Oxted! As you may remember we only moved 18 months a go to the Watercolour in Nutfield, as lovely as it was living there with the beautiful lakes, it was however only suppose to be…

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Italian Easter Bread

This weekend Luca has been at home with us and so I thought it would be nice to do some traditional Italian Easter baking together. When we were in Tuscany for Easter a couple of years a go we made some lovely Italian Easter Biscuits which I also hope to…

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Well Christmas is over, the decorations and tree are all down and Hubby and I have been preparing today for tomorrow as it is New Years Eve and our 3rd Wedding Anniversary. We will be celebrating in style with lobster and I can not wait. As I have finally sat…

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Toffee Apples

I love this time of year, not just because I love Autumn,  but also because there is so much to look forward to, Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas, all great excuses to bake lots of lovely goodies to eat and even better, lots of fun with the kids. My lot may…

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