
you are what you eat

Citrus Chicken Salad

I’m back, I survived, I ate cleanly and healthy!!! Where have I been you may be asking yourself, Vegas Baby!!! Now this may come as a shock to those who know me, ‘Vegas’, Diana would never go to Vegas, she would hate it, but Hubby had a conference there for…

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Beetroot And Feta Tart

Beetroot and Feta Tart

So Wednesday was the Autumn Equinox, its officially Autumn and the weatherman said this morning that it may go down to 1 degrees over the weekend, with the chance of a frost in some rural areas, but the sun is out and it looks like the perfect autumnal day out…

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Red Wine and Caramelised Onion Slow-roasted Lamb Shoulder

Red Wine and Caramelised Onion Slow-roasted Lamb Shoulder

As August draws to a close, the bank holiday is upon us and Autumn is just around the corner, I start to notice the changes in the season, a chillier start to the day, gorgeous weak but still very welcomed evening sunlight filtering lazily through the windows illuminating the house in…

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Chocolate Gâteau with Raspberry, Rose and Vanilla Cream

Chocolate Gâteau with Raspberry, Rose and Vanilla Cream

I have to confess to leaving it far to long since my last post, my laptop charger died on me and I did try to use Hubby’s laptop, but only to discover that I am an Apple Girl through and through and can not cope with anything else ! Also…

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chorizo burger

Mexican Chorizo and Garlic Prawn Burgers

Now when Hubby declared that this week was going to be ‘Burger Week’ I have to admit to letting out a small groan. Please do not get me wrong, I love a good gourmet burger as much as the next person, but really, a whole week!!! Well day two and…

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Smoky Halloumi and Quinoa Salad

I am a huge fan of halloumi, for those of you that may not of come across halloumi before it is a wonderfully chewy cheese made from a mixture of goat’s and sheep’s milk with a high-melting point which makes it ideal for grilling or frying. You can marinate it…

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Chocolate and Strawberry Cake

The sun is shining and my thoughts turn to Afternoon Tea in the garden and of course scrumptious cake ! Recently Olly and I popped into The Cake Shed in Tunbridge Wells and are now totally addicted, the sandwiches and range of tea choices are amazing, but what is really…

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Gado Gado

This Gado Gado salad was a new one on me and to be honest when Hubby first suggested it for dinner a couple of days after Christmas instead of the left over gammon with egg and chips I was less than inspired, it was cold outside and I really fancied…

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strawberry cake

Gluten Free Strawberry Cake

Everyone knows that I love to bake for my friends and family, you can not pop round to my house for a coffee without being offered cake, it is just against the rules ! Sometimes this does set me a few challenges, friends on diets, friends with nut allergies and…

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chorizo pilaf

Chorizo Pilaf

I am not going to put this Chorizo Pilaf under the mains category of Indian, Italian or Spanish, but in ‘other’, this is because I feel that this dish falls somewhere between a paella and a risotto, slow-cooked basmati rice with deep paprika flavours and even though I feel more Spanish…

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