Tessa Kiros

Vassilopitta – New Year Wish Cake

Well finally I’m back and so much has happened since my last blog, we have finally moved, waited nearly four weeks for broadband, had snow and been snowed in and I fell over on the ice and have been bed bound. So pretty manic as usual, not much time for…

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Budino di semolino (Semolina Pudding)

I know that many of us have horrific memories of semolina from our childhoods, the thought of it conjures up school dinners and all that was so disgusting about them, but please trust me when I tell you that this delicious Tuscan pudding is so far removed from any horrid…

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I love these just sitting in the cookie jar as tempting little snacks, I can never resist them, but then that could be to do with my weakness for rose water. They are just so yummy with a mid-morning coffee or after a dinner party, any excuse seems a good…

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My favourite dinner – Tava (Cypriot baked lamb & potatoes with cumin & Tomatoes)

By now I expect that you have noticed that I don’t cook any English food, have a passion for Tessa Kiros cookery books and have been very influenced by my Italian up bringing, well this recipe is no exception as it is a beautiful Cypriot dish from the lovely Tessa…

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