
Cornflake Brownies

Finally yesterday the sun came out and it was T-Shirt weather, it is also Bluebell time in the woodlands so naturally I had to get outside and enjoy the beautiful countryside that I am so blessed to be in a short walking distance of, but before we left I of…

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Hallongrottor – Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies

It’s Saturday again and the house is smelling amazing with the aroma of baking. Today I decided to try these Hallongrottor as I think they resemble a Jammy Dodger and my Grandson absolutely loves Jammy Dodgers. To the point where he has a secret stash in my home so that…

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Vegan Kladdkaka

I may of mentioned in previous posts that I am obsessed with anything hygge , fika and basically anything Nordic, especially Nordic baking, I have quite a few recipes already on the blog, but I really do not think it can hurt to have a few more !!! I do…

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I know I have multiple brownie recipes on this blog and so many recipes claim to be ‘the perfect brownie’ and if I am honest I truly believe that the perfect brownie is the Nigella one that is already on my blog, it is so indulgent, so rich, so…

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Vegan Mango Bundt Cake

Just a quick type up for this simple but extremely delicious vegan mango bundt cake as I am rushing off to the gym! This recipe really doesn’t need much said, it is so quick and simple to make, very versatile and very very moorish, I was completely addicted !!! Trying…

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Vegan Victoria Sponge Cake with Vegan Cream

So summer has finally arrived and it is HOT !!! It’s time for BBQ’s, picnics, afternoon teas and summer Fetes, and we may be called upon to produce a good old fashioned Victoria Sponge, either dressed traditionally with Buttercream and Strawberry Jam with a sprinkling of caster sugar, or with…

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Vegan Pavlova

I have just had the most amazing five days with my little girl, well not so little, she is nearly 30!!! What I mean is, I got to spend time with one of my most favourite people in the World, doing some of our most favourite things together, we hiked,…

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