Just incase you were wondering what Limoncello Cream is, here is the recipe. It is so simple & quick to make and goes with so much. I first made this when my Gorgeous Mother-in-Law came for dinner and served it with a yummy Italian Chocolate Cake, as I know what a chocolate fiend she is! It goes so well with so many things, lemon cake, fresh berries, just licking off your fingers when you are sneaking some from the bowl, its all good.

Juliet (My Gorgeous Mother-in-Law) was over from Tuscany for a visit, we had a lovely evening and I must admit that the Limoncello in the pudding was not the only Limoncello we managed to polish off that evening, as I seem to remember a few glasses of the delightful lemony liqueur going down rather nicely after our espresso’s.

PS : The picture is of the table that I laid for Juliet. Its part of the enjoyment of cooking for me, laying a beautiful table to match your guests or food. I get teased about how much time and effort I put into it, but I love doing it !!!!

Buon appetito.

250g Marscapone cheese
Limoncello – chilled (I always keep a bottle in the fridge)
1 Lemon zest
2 tablespoons icing sugar (more or less to suit your own taste, but I like it sweet)Whisk the Marscapone with the icing sugar, drizzle in a little Limoncello, again to your own taste, and a little lemon zest. Chill until required.Couldn’t be simpler.