Oliver, or as he is better known “Olly”, he never answers to Oliver or even introduces himself as Oliver, was named after Oliver Reed the Actor, strange choice you may think, but Oliver Reed was a friend of my Father’s and the first time I met him he was so charming & left a lasting impression on me that the name Oliver stayed with me.

Olly is our in house comedian, perfect gentleman & so very caring, you can always rely on him to make you laugh or make you a cup of tea when you are down, hence his nickname of Chai Waller. Olly truly does make the best tea in the whole of Surrey.

Olly’s sense of humour does get him into trouble sometimes, for example when he left a door open at school and the Teacher asked him if he was born in a barn, to which Olly replied yes. The Teacher was not impressed, especially when Olly went on to explain that he was a home birth, born on a farm, very near to a barn, all very true facts, but the Teacher was neither impressed or believed a word that he was saying.

Anyway here is Olly’s recipe and like him its a lot of fun & very sweet.

Buon appetito

peppermint crisp pie
Peppermint Crisp Pie – Serves 10 – 12

250g Chocolate Digestive Biscuits
100g Butter – melted
600g Caramel Condensed Milk
400ml Whipping Cream
100g Mint Aero Bars – crushed

Crush the biscuits and put them into a bowl with the melted butter. Mix together well and then press firmly onto the base and a little way up the sides of a 26cm (10 1/2 inch) pie dish. Put in the fridge to set.

chocolate biscuit base
Beat the caramel in a bowl with a wooden spoon until smooth. Carefully spread over the biscuit base, trying not to lift any of the biscuit crumbs.
Whip the cream until it holds it shape, but take care not to over whip it. Spoon it over the caramel to cover the whole surface and then scatter the Aero over the top.
Keep in the fridge before serving in slices if you can manage it, or dollops if you can’t.
Be warned, you will think you can’t eat anymore and as soon as you have finished one slice you will want another, a highly addictive dessert.
peppermint crisp pie